First Family Friendly Restrooms
FFRT action team leaders Kellen Klein and Jane Cartwright are excited to the share tangible results of their vision for a community in which every Sisters establishment has a commensurate family-friendly restroom. For small business owners, installing a diaper changing table might not always be affordable or top-of-mind. AFSC’s action team aims to help them out by offering free sourcing and installation of changing tables and other kid-oriented bathroom amenities (e.g. handwashing stools, wipes, diaper starter packs, etc.). Storefront window stickers highlight their “baby changing station inside.”
The couple is also exploring opportunities to work with other local organizations to develop a map of Sisters Country’s changing stations, and plans to create an “action toolkit” to guide others eager to catalyze similar work in their own community.
Check out the first wall-mounted installation at Fika Sisters Coffeehouse. Kellen Klein, left with Fika owner, Renee. In December, changing tables were also added to Luckey’s Woodsman and Suttle Tea (now) family-friendly restrooms.