The Sisters Transportation and Ride Share team (STARS) successfully transitioned to its own independent nonprofit organization in August 2024. Its volunteers offer ride services from Sisters to non-emergency medical appointments in Sisters, Bend, and Redmond. It offers passengers social support and helps them to live independently.
Seniors, people with disabilities and others in Sisters Country who cannot drive themselves need to get to medical appointments. Find out how you can help!
Vaccine Hesitancy
In early 2021 a small group of Sisters residents devised a strategy to encourage others in Sisters to consider Covid vaccinations. They envisioned a full page ad in The Nugget newspaper featuring the photos of many fellow residents who had been vaccinated and who supported vaccination.
This group arranged the photos and donations to pay for the ad themselves, but lacked the non-profit status to accept donations. AFSC worked with the group to facilitate receipt of donations and the group produced the ad in a short timeframe.
Click on ad to enlarge
The National Village model helps empower older adults to remain in charge of their lives and to maintain their independence by connecting them with other people available in their own neighborhoods. From eliminating isolation to lending a helping hand, these neighborly interactions and a “helping hand” create a ripple effect that enriches communities and strengthens connections across all ages.
This Village Action Team effort continues to serve as a shining example, with the potential to be adapted to other Sisters Country neighborhoods. How about your neighborhood?"
See The Signs
The See the Signs Action Team was dedicated to promoting public safety by providing free education on how to identify and intervene early with persons at risk for perpetrating mass shootings.
Mass shootings are not inevitable; they are absolutely preventable. If community members learn the warning signs, learn what to report, and intervene early, attacks can be prevented.
As of July, 2024, this Action Team is inactive.